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Accounting services

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HLB > Accounting services

Accounting outsourcing services


By choosing your associate and company that will provide you with proficient and effective accounting services in Belgrade, you are on a good way to fulfill your goals. Accounting services include a large number of activities, and experienced and proficient accounting companies can help you to improve your business, cut expenses and increase the efficiency of your business.

If you need a professional business associate and responsible accountancy, HLB T&M Consulting, the accounting company from Belgrade offers the solutions that are adapted to your needs.


The overview of accounting services


The accounting services include many activities and related actions, that are connected with gathering and the way of booking the documentation, sending reports to the highest authorities and adjusting to the international standards.

HLB T&M Consulting company offers these accounting services:

  • The implementation of accounting systems and statutory internal acts,
  • Accounting services,
  • Payroll services
  • Preparation of the annual financial statement,
  • Reporting to the management,
  • Tax consulting services,
  • Support in cooperation with the auditors.


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1. The implementation of accounting systems and internal acts


Frequent changes in the law influence changes in accounting. They are the consequence of adjusting the local regulations with the EU regulation and that is why this adjusting with IFRS is necessary.

If you need some internal act in accordance with the new Accounting law, the services of HLB T&M Consulting include the implementation of accounting systems and internal statutory acts:

  • Preparing the accounting policy following the Law and IFRS,
  • Making the rulebook on accounting following the current Accounting law and making other internal documents,
  • Supporting the clients in choosing and implementation with the help of unique ERP software solution and other accounting programs,
  • Testing the adjustment of ERP with legal standards and current law regulation on doing business,
  • Making the inventory rulebook and all the accompanying documentation about inventory and in accordance with the laws,
  • The implementation of the chart of accounts for companies and adjusting the cost centers.


2. Bookkeeping services


HLB T&M Consulting accounting company offers to its business associates accounting, bookkeeping, advisory, and financial services with the goal of long-term efficiency and improving the business. The basic accounting services that we are offering are:

  • Preparing the accounting records – the records of financial transactions and bookkeeping following the articles of the Accounting law,
  • Gathering and bookkeeping of the business documents and control of its correctness,
  • Recording the transactions per principles and regulations of the Law on foreign exchange operations, the International accounting and financial standards and following the ERP/IFRS,
  • Arranging accounting documentation and preparation of financial reports necessary for reporting package,
  • Adjusting monthly, quarterly and yearly balances (statements from banks, received and issued invoices and all other relevant reports),
  • Keeping the register of fixed assets, recording stock and financial accounting and monthly adjustment of the General ledger with the register


3. Payroll services


Payroll services include everything related to calculation of salaries, contributions and other fees of employees. It also includes personal, administration and personnel businesses.

If you need to have payroll services with optimum taxes and contributions, HLB T&M Consulting accounting company offers to its client the optimal solutions following the current regulations. Activities included in these services are:

  • Monthly payroll services for employees
  • Calculation of all compensations (including the sick leave, the paid leave, the annual leave, the state holidays)
  • Calculation of taxes and contributions and submitting the tax applications
  • Updating and checking the correctness of data
  • Calculation of the income tax
  • Recording the changes in business and personnel records
  • Other services related to the calculation of salaries and compensations
  • Preparation of the employment contract
  • Registering the employee after concluding the employment contract and deregistering after the termination of the contract
  • The services of employing of non-residents (the services related to the employment of foreign citizens, the preparation of work and residence permit as well as the calculation of their salaries),
  • Other non-mentioned accounting, administration and personnel businesses.


4. Preparation of annual financial statement


All the legal entities and the entrepreneurs that are part of the double accounting system are obliged to submit at the end of the business year the annual financial statement about the company’s business for the past year.

HLB T&M Consulting accounting company offers the service of making and the support in preparing the annual financial statement. Depending on the business result, we can give additional help with the calculation of the income tax, filling and submitting the additional tax documentation.

By the Accounting law, the set of financial reports for the entrepreneurs and micro-legal entities includes these financial reports:

  • A balance sheet
  • An income statement
  • A statistical annex
  • Calculation of tax balance, preparing and submitting the tax applications, filing tax forms)


The full set of financial reports for other legal entities besides the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statistical annex includes:

  • The report about other results,
  • The report about the changes in capital,
  • The report about the cash flow
  • The annotations along with financial reports
  • The annual financial statement,


5. Preparation of monthly/quarterly management reports


Our accounting company offers support with creating the report packages for reporting to the management of the company. The reports include preparations of monthly, quarterly and yearly reports following the demands of management.

The accounting services of reporting can have a crucial value when it comes to making decisions. The reporting secures all the necessary information from the accountancy and that is why this information is important when planning and making the budget. If you need correct and on-time prepared reports the management reporting includes

  • Preparation of the group reporting packages
  • Preparing the financial reports adjusted with IFRS
  • Preparing yearly and periodical reports demanded by the management and for the statutory needs
  • Helping in planning and creating the budget
  • Analyzing the current business process


6. Tax compliance services


On your demand, we provide services of tax advising and we make adjusted and optimal solutions. HLB advises all of our clients to regularly pay their tax commitments and independence from the complexity of the procedures and obligation we help in reducing those taxes.

The tax consulting services we offer include:

  • The business consulting and tax advising about the tax commitments
  • Representing and supporting on demands, objections, and decisions of Tax administration
  • Doing the services of the VAT representative
  • Assistance in submitting and filling the tax applications and support for determining the tax commitments
  • Adjusting with the local tax regulations (calculating and submitting the VAT applications, tax balance, income tax, and withholding tax)
  • Following the deadlines for paying tax commitments


7. Support in cooperation with the auditors


If you need to check your financial reports, the recommendation is that you hire the experts for cooperation with the auditors. The proficient and experienced team of HLB T&M Consulting accounting company can be your reliable partner.

We are in a position to offer you our support with auditors in this way:

  • The help with easier understanding of accounting incomes of your business,
  • The analysis and support for the auditor’s positive opinion about the financial reports,
  • Connecting with the external auditor,
  • We provide well-timed and correct reports in the shortest possible time
  • We offer support in understanding the auditors’ recommendations and in their appliance or implementation in the accounting system


Do you need external accounting services in Belgrade?


HLB T&M Consulting from Belgrade is one of the leading accounting companies in Serbia. We have perennial experience in work with domestic and foreign companies from various fields, as well as experience of working with internationally respected experts.

If you need broad accounting solutions or just a part of the accounting services that we offer, you should schedule consultations with our business advisors and be free to ask and find everything that you want to know.
